
Absence and Lateness

At Greenfield Primary School we work hard to minimise our rates of authorised and unauthorised absences. If a child is absent from school parents/carers should contact the school and inform us by 9:30am by telephone or in person. For the safety of your child if we have not received a call by 9:30am we will contact you using the contact details on the school records.  Therefore please make sure the school office have your correct details, particularly mobile phone numbers as these change more often. 

We work with parents to ensure good levels of attendance are maintained. If a child’s attendance is giving cause for concern we will you to ensure your child’s attendance level improves and support the family to maintain this on an ongoing basis.

Every child’s attendance pattern is monitored and if we notice a change in pattern or a fall in attendance, this will be followed up by the school. The school’s attendance target is 97%. There is a great deal of current research regarding achievement which clearly shows that even quite low levels of absence have a negative impact on learning.


A smooth and punctual start to the day is very important for children. The playground is unlocked at 8.40am and the school whistle is blown at 8.50am. We expect all children to be in class by 9.00am. If a child arrives at school after this time they must report to the school office where parents are asked to sign them in the late book.


If your child is ill you should let the school know as soon as possible. You can report absence on the school’s dedicated absence line, by the Parentmail app or in person. Please let us know when your child is likely to return to school and ring every day of your child’s absence unless you advise us initially of the length of time they will be absent for.

The school is guided by Public Health guidelines so there may be occasions when your child must stay away from school in line with these guidelines. If your child is sick or has diarrhoea, they must not return to school until 48 hours after the last bout of vomiting or diarrhoea. This is to ensure the infection does  not spread to other children. If your child is sick or has diarrhoea at school we will ring you and ask you to come and collect your child.

If we feel that your child is not well enough to come to school we reserve the right to ask you to come and collect your child.

Please see the policy, Supporting Children with Medical Conditions (including Administration of Medicines) policy for further information.


Term time holidays

Following changes to government regulations, Head teachers are not allowed to grant leave of absence for the purpose of holidays during term time. From the start of the new academic year 2013 the amendments make it clear that Head teachers may not grant any leave of absence for holidays during term time.

If leave of absence is taken during the school term, your child's absence will be marked as unauthorised which may make you liable to a Fixed Penalty Notice of £60 per parent, (up to £120 after 21 days) issued by the Local Authority. This money is paid to the Local Authority, not the school. This fine will rise to £80 per parent from August 2024.

Thank you for your support.